quinta-feira, 21 de março de 2019

More character renders in .png

Alex Mercer (Prototype)
Archangel (X-Men Legends II)


Captain America: Super Soldier

Jack Ingles (Carrier)

Dark Wraith (Dark Souls)

Davis Russel (Inversion)


Dante (Dmc)

Faraam Knight (Dark Souls II)

James Heller (Prototype 2)

Jim Peyton (Lost Planet 3)

Green Lantern (Justice League Heroes)

Leon Belmont (Castlevania series)

Nick Scryer (Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy)

Darius Mason (Red Faction Armageddon)

James Grayson (Resistance Retribution)

Rogue Trooper

Sam Fisher (Splinter Cell)

Spider-Man (Marvel Ultimate Alliance)

Storm  (Marvel Ultimate Alliance)


T-800 (The Terminator Redemption)

Thor: God of Thunder

Thor  (Marvel Ultimate Alliance)

Sam Gideon (Vanquish)

Vito (Mafia 2)

Wolverine  (Marvel Ultimate Alliance)
